Water Systems Design Research, Francesca Carraro

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Francesca Carraro

My journey with the Monviso Institute began thanks to a university project carried out during the last year of my master in systemic design at the Polytechnic of Turin. From the very beginning I was drawn to the overall project of the MVI and the principles that guided it, so it was the option of choice when I had to decide what to do with my thesis project.

Arriving at the campus I found myself immersed in a positive and inclusive reality, where the spirit of cooperation is widespread in the core concepts of the institute, and this is precisely what attracted me the most. The visits to the campus were mainly of design origin, having to detect the various problems and outline the final project, despite this I immediately immersed myself with extreme curiosity in the dynamics of the campus and with clothes dirty with earth and hands in the grass to do to help and understand even better what the true values ​​of the project were.

Since I was very young I have always had a very strong bond with everything that belongs to the natural sphere, its elements and its dynamics. Over the years I have consolidated these interests also through the choice of my course of study in systemic and ecological design, still living in different metropolitan cities. Coming to the Monviso Institute Campus I was able to see everything that I have learned in theory over the years, while at the same time re-establishing that strong bond with nature, getting my hands dirty and immersing myself among the plants.

The project that I developed within the Monviso Institute concerns the sustainable management of water resources in the mountain environment, starting right from the MVI campus: I analyzed the systems for the management, retention and purification of the water used within the campus facilities, but also their layout. The system created includes principles of regenerative, systemic and circular economy design, including local natural elements and ecological principles. All this was made possible by an open and multidisciplinary vision inspired by what is the main project at MVI.

Despite the contingent period due to the numerous restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, I managed to reach the campus to be able to work on the project on several occasions. These trips represented a fundamental point both for the advancement of my research and for my mental and personal health. In such a particular period, given both by the global epidemic and by the difficulties caused by the creation of a thesis on such complex and varied topics, detaching from reality and immersing oneself in the Ostana campus was regenerating. The atmosphere that you breathe is unparalleled. An open, dynamic and creative environment, where the hours pass quickly and manual work never fails. Surely the environment in which the campus is located is responsible for the positivity of the place, always under the watchful eyes of Monviso, which constantly reassures and inspires.

During the design of my system I had the opportunity to have some time to study and research in a holistic way the most suitable solutions and to develop the project in the best possible way. Thanks to it, I came into contact with interesting and stimulating realities, not very widespread but very important themes, natural and dynamic solutions unknown to me. It was an enriching and decidedly interesting path, in close contact with the natural world and what it can teach us, through which I came to deal with the dissemination of adequate knowledge to engage in this correct water management.

My thesis project involves various aspects related to life in the mountains and water management, but also to the safeguarding of local biodiversity. During my work I tried to forge as many collaborations as possible with local actors, with the aim of creating a network of useful actions both for the development of the Istituto Monviso project but also to help spread its principles throughout the territory. My thesis, in fact, represents an element that I hope with all my heart will help not only the Ostana campus, but also all mountain environments that want to improve their relationship with the water element.

Change is possible, optimal and very important.

The experience at the Monviso Institute brought me many emotions and I hope I have forged a bond that will not dissolve soon. I learned to fully believe in my abilities and beliefs, to understand that the diffusion of what we think is the key to a possible and visible change in the campus project itself. I learned to re-establish that direct contact both with the design and with the raw materials and natural resources and I can’t wait to see what my link with the Monviso Institute will bring in the next chapters of this magical path.

Read more about my research here.

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